Mario Kempes

Opening game
in First Division:

October 5, 1973.
Instituto 0 - Newell´s 1

Last Official game
in Argentina:

Full Name:

Mario Alberto Kempes


"The Matador"

Date of Birth:

July 15, 1954


Bell Ville (Córdoba)

Field Position:


First goal:

October 9, 1973
River 3 - Instituto 1

Professional Career:

1973 (National)Instituto (Córdoba)??
1974/76Rosario Central10585
1976/80Valencia - Spain
1981 (Metro)River Plate15?
1981 (National)River Plate14?
1982/84Valencia - Spain
1984/86Hércules - Spain
1986/92Wienner - Austria
1986/92Saint Polten - Austria
1986/92Krems - Austria
1995Fernández Vial - Chile
Total ??

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